You are what you Eat
The old adage never sounded this omnimous. Today, I was presented with lab results of my blood sample from two weeks before. The doctor's comments were all too familiar sounding: "Look fit and healthy... must watch what you eat..." "Can consider starting on medication... Have time on your side..." "Avoid anything finger-licking good". Yes, the fats.. er, facts are in: My cholesterol level remains High. For comparison, here are some figures from Singapore Heart Foundation: My recent(June'08) blood lipid profile read:
HDL: 1.27 (49)
Total: 7.21 (278)
My LDL from Nov'05: 5.14 (199)
Generally speaking, LDL is "bad" cholesterol that can cause heart disease by clogging arteries. HDL is "good" cholesterol that "cleanses" arteries by transporting fat and LDL deposits back to the liver for breakdown. Read this for more insight on cholesterol.
My total cholesterol hasn't got any better since I first got it checked back in Aug'03 when the reading was 6.45 (249). I am genetically predisposed to having high cholesterol as my father and a number of my paternal relatives are. I recently learnt that cholesterol is actually produced within our bodies; and that high cholesterol levels are actually influenced more through the consumption of "bad" fats rather than by dietary cholesterol(foods such as eye yolks, seafood) alone. (Both Sat-fat and Trans-fat raise LDL levels, but Trans-fat apparently packs a second punch by reducing HDL!) My problem is possibly due to a diet containing too much saturated/trans fat; and perhaps a genetically overactive liver producing more LDL than average as well.
Though I've been generally conscious about my food choices all along, I guess it's about time to really start monitoring what, when and how much I eat. (O_o)*Knowing-look from the girlfriend comes to mind* Fish/bean/soy protein over lean meats when I can help it. Fruits, eaten whole for added fibre. High-fibre carbo alternatives wholemeal bread, oats, brown rice, beans, sweet potato. Fat-reduced dairy products. Avoid food high in saturated fat(deep-fried, milky, creamy, buttery stuff) and trans fat(hydrogenated oils, shortening). Scrutinise "Nutrition Facts" on the packaging before purchasing/consuming processed foods. Exercise regularly. (Research suggests regular aerobic activity increases HDL levels!)
Must remain motivated to this cholesterol-lowering cause; lest I leave my loved-ones prematurely.
Accept the fact. Fight the fats.